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No Fee Unless We Win


Antonio Solomon

Contact Me (478) 474-2252


I am thrilled to have this opportunity to introduce myself. I come from the charming town of Macon, Georgia, which may be small but holds a very special place in my heart. However, my childhood was mainly in Roberta. As much as I loved my hometowns, the prospect of exploring the cosmopolitan life of Atlanta became irresistible to me, and so I moved here for my schooling years. Fairness and equal opportunities are values that have always been embedded in my veins. I owe a lot of this to my family, who instilled in me from a young age the belief that education is the key to success; this helped a great deal in my academic achievements in both undergraduate and law school. I take a great deal of pleasure in looking back at historical events and reflecting on how they have influenced the world we live in today. Outside of my academic interests, I have an uncontainable love for nature and outdoor activities. My twins, Blake and Blaire, are the apple of my eye, and I cherish every moment I spend with them.


Mercer University School of Law,
Macon, Georgia
J.D. – 2021
Honors: Cum Laude
Honors: Dean’s List
Law Review: Mercer Law Review, Member, 2019 – 2021

Georgia State University,
Atlanta, Georgia
B.S. – 2016
Honors: Dean’s List
Honors: Magna Cum Laude
Major: Public Policy

Bar Admission

Georgia, 2021

Published Works

Whose Job is it Anyway:
How the Statutory and Regulatory Scheme Prohibiting Employers from Hiring Undocumented Workers Falls Short of Achieving its Intended Purpose, Mercer Law Review Eleventh Circuit Survey, 2021

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